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Avian Influenza Prevention Zone - 27th January 2025

Avian Influenza Prevention Zone  - 27th January 2025

Graham Crocker |

In response to the increased number of cases of Avian Influenza (HPAI), an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) was extended on Saturday 25th January 2025.  The AIPZ mandating enhanced biosecurity covers all areas of England, with a similar zone applying in Scotland.

The AIPZ mandating enhanced biosecurity and housing for kept birds in the areas of East Riding of Yorkshire, City of Kingston Upon Hull, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk has also been extended to include Shropshire, York and North Yorkshire as of Monday 27th January 2025.

What is an AIPZ?

Within an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) it is a legal requirement for all bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures to help protect their flocks, of whatever type or size.

DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Cleanse and disinfect clothing, footwear, equipment and vehicles before and after contact with poultry and captive birds– if practical, use disposable protective clothing.”

Quill’s Advice:

For use in housing and for spraying on wheels and walkways, we recommend Vanodox Formula.  This peracetic acid-based disinfectant has a very low approval rate of 1:256 (0.4%), making it an extremely economical option.

For boot-dips we advise using an iodophor disinfectant, such as FAM 30. Iodophor disinfectants are ideal for colder months as they remain effective at lower temperatures. The DEFRA approval rate for FAM 30 is 1:49;  if using FAM 30 with the Quill Boot Dip, add 400ml FAM 30 and fill the boot dip with water to the 20L mark.


DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Reduce the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination from manure, slurry and other products.”

Quill’s Advice:

To help reduce the need for vehicles or people to enter the area, delivery notes and other paper work should be left at the farm gate, rather than delivered further onto the premises. Storage boxes, such as the Quill Dry Boxes, are ideal for this purpose.

If movement cannot be avoided, spray vehicles, wheels and pathways regularly with a DEFRA approved disinfectant, such as Vanodox Formula.

DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Carry out effective vermin control in any areas where poultry and captive birds are kept.”

Quill’s Advice:

When controlling rodent populations, a combined method, using both trapping and baiting is a very effective option.    For certified users, there is a wide range of professional use rodenticides to choose from, including Sapphire Grain, Paste or Blocks; Ruby Grain; Jade Grain and Racumin Foam.  Another option for certifies users is Harmonix Rodent Paste; a non-anticoagulant rodenticide which may be used in open areas and burrows.

For non-certified users, Lodi Gems pouches, including Sapphire, Jade and Ruby are the ideal choice. 

Trapping is an effective method of rodent control, which is suitable for all users and locations. The Quill Vermin Trap Box, designed for use with a MK4 Fenn Spring Trap, is a popular option for vermin control.

Whilst reducing the number of visitors to your premises, you may choose to take control of your own pest control rather than using the services of pest controllers. If you are new to rodent control or simply need some more advice, contact us for a free rodent management guide.

DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Thoroughly cleanse and disinfect housing on a continuous basis.”

Quill’s Advice:

When cleaning, a heavy duty detergent, such as Shift will rapidly penetrate and remove organic soiling. It is suitable for cleaning buildings, vehicles and equipmen,t making it a versatile, effective and economical choice.

As previously highlighted, Vanodox Formula is a very economical option compared to glutaraldehyde alternatives, particularly important at times of increased cleaning and disinfection.

DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Keep fresh disinfectant at the right concentration at all farm and poultry housing entry and exit points.”

The Quill Boot Dip was designed specifically to optimise biosecurity and provide a superior alternative to previously used buckets or tubs.  Brushes in the base and sides of the Quill Boot Dip remove any dirt and organic matter from the bases or boots, allowing effective disinfection of footwear.

During the Avian Influenza outbreak of 2022, DEFRA advised that boots should be cleaned prior to disinfection. This led to the introduction of our 2 step boot cleaning protocol:

1)        BLUE Quill Boot Dip to be used with a detergent such as Shift to remove dirt and organic matter from boots.

2)        YELLOW Quill Boot Dip to be used with a DEFRA approved disinfectant, such as FAM 30 or Virophor 2.8% to remove any remaining debris and effectively disinfect boots.

Biosecurity signs detailing the 2-step protocol are a useful visual reminder to help keep biosecurity standards high.


DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Minimise direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds, including making sure all feed and water is not accessible to wild birds.”

Quill’s Advice:

To continue supplying plenty of clean water to your birds, nipple drinkers such as the original Quill Drinker, 40L Tank Drinker or new Adjustable Tank Drinker should be considered.

Our Quill Nipple Drinkers are enclosed, keeping water clean and uncontaminated and raised height of the nipples reduces the risk of wild birds reaching the drinkers.

For smaller, back yard flocks, the Quill 40L Tank Drinker is the ideal choice.

For larger numbers of birds where automatic refilling is necessary, the Quill Drinker or Quill Adjustable Tank Drinker fitted with a ball valve and float are our recommended choices.

DEFRA Biosecurity Measures:

“Prevent access by poultry to ponds and watercourses and ensure that birds are kept in fenced or enclosed areas.”

Restricting the birds’ access to natural water sources and standing water, further increases the importance of providing a plentiful supply of enclosed clean water with nipple drinkers.  

This is a summary of the information provided by DEFRA regarding AIPZ in December 2024. 

For full details, see The Declaration of Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (England) (January 2025).

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